Thank you to your continued support, Sun Chlorella Corporation has celebrated its 55th anniversary. To commemorate this occasion, we have created a new Purpose Statement that reflects the aim of our corporate activities. Being healthy allows you to do things you love, and we’re here to support you in doing them every day. Sun Chlorella Corporation will continue striving to be a company that is trusted and appreciated by everyone. We look forward to your continued support and patronage.
December 10, 2024
株式会社Sun Chlorella 承蒙各方支持,已成功迎來創業55週年。 藉此機會,我們重新定義了展現企業活動宗旨的目的宣言(Purpose Statement) 「正是因為健康,支持著您實現每一天想做的事物」 未來,我們將繼續努力,致力於成為一家值得信賴且深受喜愛的企業。 衷心希望能夠繼續獲得您的支持與厚愛。謹此致意,從今以後也請繼續多多指教!