Promo Mechanics:
1. The promotion starts on August 14, 2024 (Japan standard time) to August 27, 2024 (Japan standard time).
2. The promotion is open to customers who purchase a minimum of Four Thousand Pesos (Php 4000.00) worth of Sun Chlorella Wakasa Gold or Sun Chlorella 1500 Tablets and 300 Tablets during the promotional period.
3. Sun Chlorella customers can join the e raffle when they purchase a minimum of four thousand (Php 4000) worth of Sun Chlorella products: Sun Chlorella Wakasa Gold , Sun Chlorella 1500 Tablets, or 300 Tablets from our Sun Chlorella Official Shopee store during the promotional period.
Purchase Products
Sun Chlorella Official Shopee store
Sun Chlorella 1500 Tablets
Sun Chlorella 300 Tablets
Sun Chlorella Wakasa Gold
4. Each Sun Chlorella invoice with a corresponding value of Php 4000 and above is equivalent to one raffle coupon.
5. Customers may send an email of their Healthy Selections, Inc. Invoice along with a screenshot of their confirmed online purchase with the following details:
Email Header: RAN2024
6. Only raffle entry (ies) emailed to sunchlorellapromo@gmail.com from August 14, 2024 to August 27, 2024, (update Japan standard time) shall qualify for the eRaffle draw.
7. Prizes at stake:
a) (3) Sun Chlorella T-shirt with Ran’s autograph
b) (3) Acrylic block of Ran Takahashi autograph
8. All raffle entries will be given a digital portrait with Ran’s printed autograph. There will be a QR code on the portrait with a special video of Ran made only for this campaign.
9. Please note that a customer can only win once.
10. Prizes are not convertible to cash.
11. Winning participants will be notified through registered mobile number/landiline and via email.
12. Winners must present two valid government IDs, original receipt, or picture of original receipt as proof of purchase upon claiming.
13. The promotion is open to all residents of the Philippines at least 13 years of age except employees and family members of Healthy Selections, Inc. Including their relatives up to the 2nd degree of consanguinity or affinity. Foreigners must be residing in the Philippines for at least two years.
* We will reach out to the winners after the promotion is finished.
*This campaign in progress in 8 countries and regions! For more information
*本キャンペーンは8つの国と地域で同時開催中! 詳細はコチラ
*正在於8個國家和地區舉辦中! 請查看這裡
Sun Chlorella SPORT 排球選手高橋藍 Team頁面
髙橋藍/ 排球選手 採訪 “Volleyball For Life”