A) 所有购买者均可获得高桥蓝的电子照片和二维码, 观看他的特别视频(蓝的早晨生活)!
Get a digital photo of Ran and QR code to view his special video (Ran’s Morning Routine)!
1. 通过以下方式联系 VC Future Sdn Bhd
Reach out to VC Future Sdn Bhd via
*Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/vcfuture)
*E-mail (vcfuturesunchlorella@gmail.com)
*Telephone (+60 11-1068 8000)
*WhatsApp (@ 6011-1068 8000)
2. 购买“太阳绿藻1500粒装”或“强力绿藻精”并提供您的联系信息(姓名、地址、电子邮件和电话号码)。
Purchase VC Sun Chlorella 1500 Tablets or Concentrated Chlorella Extract and provide your contact information (name, address, e-mail and phone number).
3. 获得高桥蓝的电子照片。通过扫描照片上的二维码,可以观看他的特别视频。
Receive a digital photo of Ran. By scanning the QR code on the photo, you can watch his special video.
B) 抽奖幸运顾客可以获得独家奖品!
Lucky winners can get Exclusive Prizes!
1. 通过抽奖方式,购买上述产品的用户中抽出3位幸运儿,获得高桥蓝亲笔签名的“原创亚克力块”一块。
By lottery for those who purchased the above product, 3 lucky winners will be given an original acrylic block with Ran’s handwriting autograph.
2. 通过抽奖方式,购买上述产品的用户中抽出3位幸运儿,获得高桥蓝亲笔签名的“太阳绿藻T恤”一件。
By lottery for those who purchased the above product, 3 lucky winners will be given a Sun Chlorella T-shirt with Ran’s handwriting autograph.
The promotion is valid from August 14-27, 2024.
Lucky draw prizes can only be won once per person.
*This campaign in progress in 8 countries and regions! For more information
*本キャンペーンは8つの国と地域で同時開催中! 詳細はコチラ
*正在於8個國家和地區舉辦中! 請查看這裡
Sun Chlorella SPORT 排球選手高橋藍 Team頁面
髙橋藍/ 排球選手 採訪 “Volleyball For Life”