Chlorella is a mine of amino acids(1)― Indispensable nutrients for life support ―


What is amino acid?

Amino acids are used in various type of supplements, food and drinks. Do you know that amino acids are will-known as physical improvement components and popular in the fields of diet and beauty? Various studies have been conducted on amino acids because of the superior function.

What is amino acid?

Chlorella is a mine of amino acids(1)― Indispensable nutrients for life support ―

80 percent of human body is composed of water and protein. It is 20 kinds of amino acids that constitute the protein. Our brains, organs, muscles, and nerve transmitter substances are produced depending on combinations of amino acids. 9 kinds among 20 kinds of indispensable amino acids are not produced into body, so they are called “essential amino acids” because they need to be taken from daily diets. Amino acids are contained in protein of meats, fishes, and eggs, but the types and amounts differ from each other.





If amino acids are not sufficient…

Chlorella is a mine of amino acids(1)― Indispensable nutrients for life support ―

To stay healthy, we need 9 essencial amino acids with good balance. Nutrients such as amino acids work in accordance with the lowest numerical value, thus if insufficient any, the function will be down by half. If you worry about the balance of your diet, we recommend you to think about more effective way of taking amino acids.




Chlorella with an excellent composition of amino acids

Chlorella consists of about 60 percent of proteins, and is also rich in essential amino acids, nonessential amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. Since chlorella has good composition of amino acids, you can take 9 kinds of essential amino acids properly. Besides that, chlorella contains a lot of nonessential amino acids, so it can make up for deficiencies in the body occurred with aging.

  Amino acids Per 100g Chlorella Per 30tabs. Chlorella
Essential Amino Acids Isoleucine 2.03g 0.12g
Leucine 4.48g 0.27g
Lysine 3.14g 0.19g
Methionine 1.24g 0.07g
Phenylalanine 2.58g 0.15g
Threonine 2.49g 0.15g
Tryptophan 1.09g 0.07g
Valine 3.09g 0.19g
Histidine 1.04g 0.06g
Nonessential Amino Acids Cystine 0.65g 0.04g
Tyrosine 1.94g 0.12g
Arginine 3.26g 0.20g
Alanine 4.17g 0.25g
Aspartic Acid 4.71g 0.28g
Glutamic Acid 6.03g 0.36g
Glycine 2.99g 0.18g
Proline 2.56g 0.15g
Serine 2.12g 0.13g


1) 80 percent of human body is composed of water and protein.
2 ) Amino acids found in proteins are composed of essential amino acids and nonessential amino acids.
3) Plant proteins which tend to be insufficient can be taken from chlorella in well balance.

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