Chlorella is a mine of amino acids(2)― Amino-acid power for health in the public limelight ―


Amino-acid power for health

As mentioned previously, new research reveals that amino acids form a human body and have various important functions for a body. 20 kinds of amino acids have a role, therefore these amino acids get a lot of attention as supplements from top athletes who want to improve physical strength and women who are interested in diet and beauty. However, it is not good for us to depend too much on these amino acids. It is necessary to perform aerobic exercise if you are on a diet, or to try to avoid UV ray if you wish to produce beautiful skin. A regular life and diet enhance the ability of animo acids.


Collagen made from amino acids

Amino acids are components for collagen. Collagen is connective tissue that covers one third of the body, and has strong elasticity in form of braids. However, if collagen cannot be produced as needed due to lack of amino acids, collagen will loose gradually and the elasticity will be worn out. This may cause wrinkles. Also, buttocks and breasts come down by the gravity. Not only skin but also bones and internal organs are covered with bone collagen. When people attain old age, they reduce their food intake and lose gastrointestinal function. Therefore, they need to contrive ways how to take amino acids.

Keeping a balanced diet is a basis

Essential amino acids cannot be produced in the body, so they need to be taken from food directly by mouth. People used to take amino acids without regard to it because they had balanced diets. However, lately many people seem to bring on a lack of amino acids because of their unbalanced diets that come from prioritizing their food preferences and conveniences. In this case, how about taking your daily diet with chlorella, which contains plenty natural amino acids and vitamins and minerals in a balanced manner?


1) Collagen is made up of amino acids, and it exsists in skin, surface of bones and internal organs.
2) Taking amino acids from well balanced food is important.

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